<i>General Quotes on Paul's Recordings</i>

“Hi, Paul! Just a short note to say I was listening to your CD this morning while my wife got ready for work. When Sweet Janine came on she came out inquiring, ‘who's that?’ She was really impressed and so rarely shows any interest in Tony Rice, Trishka, Skaggs or any of the other luminaries. This one picked her spirits up. Just thought you'd appreciate knowing that!” --Jim K., NYC
“I was wondering if you would send me 2 copies and the new bonus sample for the daycare . . . Thanks. I appreciate you and your music. I love it.” --Lindsay, NC
“It is amazing music, Paul. Lots of layers in it as well as simple fun. Exactly my style of music. Thanks. Could I order two more CDs for a couple of bookclub girlfriends who I share music with? Think of me smiling to your music here in MO.:)” --Teri, MO
“I listened to your CD on the way home from the festival yesterday, and enjoyed it tremendously. You really got a great recording of great musicians performing great, hyper-original songs. Have I said enough? I was so impressed by your musicality. Combining your unique voice and poetical/magical lyrics with perfect arrangements and instrumentation, I'd have to say you've created a one-of-a-kind original masterpiece. I keep re-reading my words to make sure I haven't exaggerated my point...I think I'm satisfied that I've said just enough.” --Mick Chodor, PA
“Although I only really heard a few of your tunes, I heard more than enough to be impressed and intrigued. Your composition style struck me as being quite unique with a good balance of left and right brain activity, and I wanted to hear each song again (which is a very good thing!) And hear other new ones as well (also good).” --Steve Q., MD

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